Welcome readers to our mini-magazine blog corner. Beautifully Said... is an outlet that celebrates the day to day events of positive and aspiring women whether we are students, single, married, mothers, daugthers, sisters or friends. Post your positive feedback about what's happening with you and empower those that can take something from your message.

We welcome discussions on education, community involvement, employment, volunteering, networking, entrepreneurship, financial knowledge and beauty tips.

Men we know you have a voice too; therefore we welcome your comments as well.

To all the women and men that read this blog, I will start the blog off with this "why follow, when you can lead".

Asha - Co-Editor

La Trisha LaNae' Taylor (Trisha LaNae') - Co-Editor

Blog Archive

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Weekly Quote

"God is the driver, I am just the passenger on this ride called life". Be blessed and be faithful

Original quote by Trisha LaNae'

"Turn Your High Potential into High Performance"

Something to Think about

Are you living your full potential, do you wake up each morning fulfilled in your work, if not take control of your life before opportunity passes you by. Living is doing what you love. Everything you do is a step, but each step gets you closer to your dream. God Bless!

--Trisha LaNae'

1 comment:

Don said...

Denis Waitley had the right idea, and I will definitely be watching Black in America.